Building of the Soumaya Museum located in Plaza Carso, Nuevo Polanco area, Mexico City, Mexico. The building, work of architect Fernando Romero, was inaugurated in 2011 by the former president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. The museums belongs to the homonymous cultural institution, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the maintenance, exposition, research and difusion of the art collection of the Carlos Slim Foundation. The museum's name honours the memory of Soumaya Domit, wife of the museum's founder,…Soumaya museum, Mexico City, Mexico

Soumaya Museum

Muzeum Soumaya, pojmenované po zesnulé manželce zakladatele Carlosa Slima, je domovem více než 66 000 uměleckých děl z celého světa.

Soumaya Museum

Building of the Soumaya Museum located in Plaza Carso, Nuevo Polanco area, Mexico City, Mexico. The building, work of architect Fernando Romero, was inaugurated in 2011 by the former president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. The museums belongs to the homonymous cultural institution, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the maintenance, exposition, research and difusion of the art collection of the Carlos Slim Foundation. The museum's name honours the memory of Soumaya Domit, wife of the museum's founder,…
Muzeum Soumaya, pojmenované po zesnulé manželce zakladatele Carlosa Slima, je domovem více než 66 000 uměleckých děl z celého světa. Vynikající sbírka obsahuje neocenitelné díla od Rembrandta, Picassa, Dalího a mnoha dalších. Muzeum samo o sobě je dokonalým dílem architektury, jehož design vytvořil architekt Fernando Romero. Navštivte toto klenotnici umění v srdci Mexico City.