Erawan Shrine, also called “Phra Prom Erawan”, is located at the front of Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, at the Ratchaprasong intersection in Lumpinee subdistrict, Pathumwan district. The reason behind construction of this shrine was that Pol.Gen. Phao Sriyanond, then Director General of Thailand's national police, had a plan to build Erawan hotel, but there were several difficulties and accidents during the construction. Thus, this project was frequently interrupted during the first 2-3 years.RADM Luang…Erawan Shrine in Bangkok.

Erawan Shrine

Erawan Shrine, známý také jako ศาลท้าวมหาพรหม, je malebný svatyně v srdci Bangkoku.

Erawan Shrine

Erawan Shrine, also called “Phra Prom Erawan”, is located at the front of Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, at the Ratchaprasong intersection in Lumpinee subdistrict, Pathumwan district. The reason behind construction of this shrine was that Pol.Gen. Phao Sriyanond, then Director General of Thailand's national police, had a plan to build Erawan hotel, but there were several difficulties and accidents during the construction. Thus, this project was frequently interrupted during the first 2-3 years.RADM Luang…
Erawan Shrine, známý také jako ศาลท้าวมหาพรหม, je malebný svatyně v srdci Bangkoku. Tento duchovní poklad je oblíbeným místem pro místní i turisty, kteří přicházejí uctít sochu čtyřhlavého Brahmy. Svatyně je známá svým pozoruhodným uměním a řemesly, stejně jako tradičními tanečními představeními. Navštivte Erawan Shrine a zažijte kousek thajské kultury v rušné metropoli.